Mrs Flannery's Year 12 English Class

Let's learn together

Journal Task Idea

Here is a task you can complete as part of your exam revision –

Make a Venn Diagram comparing two texts you have studied.  For example you could use Billy Elliott and At Seventeen and compare them.  Then you could look at First Dance and Anna’s Story.  You could try At Seventeen and The Shell.  You could also do this with media articles such as those I have asked you to research or other programs/reports that remind you of something in a text.  This is a good way of picking up similarities and differences.   I am not sure how you would do a Venn Diagram on the blog but you could do it on paper if that didn’t work.

This does not have to be handed in, it is an idea that I think would help you study. It would be a strategy you could take straight into your planning during your exam, drawing a quick Venn Diagram.  If you have done some before, the information would come quicker and clearer to you when under pressure.

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